Homeschool Creative Adventures February & March 2021
Join Me This Friday - Feb 12. 11-1pm
Have a HeART Valentines Creations
$15 per kid
This is for kids with good attention span! $65 per kid
Includes all supplies and loom for use during class.
This is a four-part workshop. We will assemble our looms.
Choose your yarns. Learn to weave and finish
a super cool wall piece for your bedroom.
Mondays 11:00 -1:00 Fridays 11:00-1:00
Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Weaving A Wallhanging
Feb 22 Feb 26 Weaving A Wallhanging
March 1 March 5 Weaving A Wallhanging
March 8 Mach 12 Weaving A Wallhanging
FUN in ’21
These classes are for anyone!
We will start with St. Patrick's Day and End with Easter!
How does that sound! $65 per kid
Includes all supplies for use during class.
Mondays 1:30 -3:00 Fridays1:30-3:00
Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Needle Felting a Leprechaun!
Needle felting does use SHARP needles, NO HORSEPLAY ALLOWED!
Feb 22 Feb 26 Finish your Leprechaun
March 1 March 5 Felt Embellishing
March 8 March 12 Eggscellent egg decoration